College of Education

Integrated Studies Program

What is Integrated Studies?

The Integrated Studies program at Utah Tech University provides the opportunity for students to earn a bachelor’s degree unique from traditional, discipline-specific programs. Students select two emphasis areas from a list of 30 and combine their requirements to create a custom degree, specifically tailored to the learner.

Students have the flexibility of developing a program of study that will uniquely suit their personal and professional goals. It presents the advantages of a liberal arts degree while allowing students to explore relationships between two academic or professional fields. This approach enables students not only to assume greater responsibility and ownership of their education, but also to gain knowledge and skills personalized to a specific career or professional pursuit by expanding their training beyond a traditional curriculum.

A successful Integrated Studies program will produce a student who understands that learning is interdisciplinary and integrative in nature and who can identify significant connections between disciplines and incorporate them into their education, work, and life.

Faculty & Staff

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Degrees Offered

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Our Mission

Utah Tech University’s Integrated Studies program allows students to stand out from the crowd by earning bachelor’s degrees different from traditional, discipline-specific majors. Students select an emphasis in two different areas and combine knowledge from and an understanding of the relationships between these two academic or professional fields, identifying and exploring significant connections between disciplines to support their postgraduate goals.


At the successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Formulate real-world problems and issues by integrating theories, methods, content, and perspectives from multiple disciplines.
  2. Assemble research in the academic and professional literature related to various discipline-specific fields.
  3. Author cogent, organized, articulate, research-based written and oral communication.
  4. Integrate theories, methods, content and perspectives from multiple disciplines to produce an original, research-based artifact, performance, event, or paper.
  5. Synthesize diverse sociocultural and academic perspectives.


Department Chair


Phone: 435-652-7813

Office: COE 152


Academic Advisor


Phone: 435-879-4290

Office: COE 111